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  • Writer's pictureYash Sharma

The Correct Interview Conduct

You have always visualized being interviewed. Don't lie. It's human nature. Or you are actually going to be interviewed. Well then, congratulations. You must certainly have attained a place for yourself. Or on the flip side, you have to interview someone. Whatever be the situation, this post will break down and review a celebrity interview, so that you learn the right things. Or the wrong things. It's your wish!

We will review a recent celebrity interview by CNN. The person being interviewed is Robert De Niro, an actor with a movie career spanning nearly 60 years. He speaks on a wide range of issues in the interview, including politics in his country and his films. The interview was conducted on CNN by its news anchor Brian Stelter. The interview took place on 29th September 2019. Robert De Niro was chosen for the interview because he is a very famous public figure on account of his movie career, and also because his new movie was going to be discussed.

The learning from the interview is that an interview should be given only on the topics on which one has a good understanding. The words spoken should be chosen carefully. They should be simple and concise, so that the audience can grasp the meaning easily. Composure should be maintained throughout and the interviewee must look presentable. Occasional eye contact should be maintained with the interviewer.

Robert De Niro had a very composed style of talking. He held eye contact with the interviewer, which lent belief to his words, and also helped him connect with the interviewer and the audience. He knew what he was talking about, and presented it in a very simple and coherent manner.

He spoke on the subject matters which were his expertise, like movies, and politics, specifically President Trump, about whom he has given a number of interviews in the past. As he has a history of talking about, and opposing President Trump, he had credibility behind him when he talked about the President’s impeachment process, and about the President in general.

The interviewer appears to be experienced, and asks leading questions which are not too long, so as to get the right answers from the interviewee, and also to run the interview smoothly. He never seems under any kind of pressure, and keeps a down to earth and friendly demeanor. Even when De Niro uses swear words, he does not get flustered, and puts his point across very succinctly in order to prevent De Niro from using swear words. He very smoothly transitions from one subject to another, while keeping the tone of the interview light.

De Niro, being an experienced public figure who has given innumerable interviews in his life, gives a nuanced interview. He keeps his composure throughout, excluding the time when he uses swear words multiple times. He looks like a person who knows what he is saying. Never once does he stutter or hesitate to communicate his views.

De Niro puts his points across very effectively. He easily jumps from one topic to the next according to the questions of the interviewer. His words are short and simple, and audiences can easily understand him.

De Niro, dressed in a jacket, looked well-groomed and like a gentleman. He carries his age well. He does not try to look or act younger than his age. He looks like a person who is worldly wise. He is dressed appropriately for a news interview involving serious issues.

The only advice that can be given to De Niro is that he should limit his fidgeting. It sometimes takes away the attention from his words. He should also try not to use any kind of swear words, as he is a very famous and responsible public figure.


“Robert De Niro: Trump should not be President. Period.” 29 Sep 2019.

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